Friday 10 May 2013

How to Make the Most Money with Outsourced Articles

Are you looking for an easy way to make money online?  If so, examine outsourced articles.  When properly used, they can be a great moneymaking tool.

The first step in making money with outsourced articles is to know what your options are.  For starters, they can be posted on third party revenue sharing websites.  This is possible, but only if you walk away from the deal with exclusive rights to the articles in question.

Outsourced articles can be submitted to article directories.  These are a great way to generate traffic, but do you have a website or a blog that you can send traffic to?  If not, article directories are considered a waste of time, as you have no way to make money with them.

Reselling outsourced articles for a profit is another moneymaking opportunity.  Typically, you create your own website and list these articles for sale.  By selling them for a higher price than what you paid for them, you can make a profit.

Outsourced articles can also be transformed into a profitable eBook.  To do so, you need a series of outsourced articles on one topic.  To reduce repetitive information, let the writer know you need a set series of articles and that each article must be unique.

Outsourced articles also make great content for newsletters.  They can also help to generate both organic and referred traffic to a website or blog.  As previously stated, there are so many ways for you to make money with the use of outsourced articles.

Now that you know how you can make money with outsourced articles, you may be wondering how you can make the most money.  Honestly, it depends on your needs.  For example, do you sell a product or do you make money through affiliate programs?  If so, you can post the articles on your website.  Keyword articles generate organic traffic through the search engines.  The more visitors your site receives, the better your chances are for making a sale.

As for newsletters, they can also help to increase your sales.  Send out monthly or quarterly newsletters to subscribers or post the newsletter on your website for all to read.  In addition to adding outsourced articles, include a moneysaving discount code for the products or services you are selling.  If you participate in an affiliate program, you should have coupon codes provided to you automatically.

If you are looking to make the largest amount of money overtime, but don’t have an already existing website, examine revenue sharing websites.  You post the outsourced articles that you own.  This type of arrangement is nice, as you generate passive incoming, meaning you earn it overtime and for years to come.  Depending on the website in question, you should get a percentage of the revenue generated by your articles or a page view bonus.

If you have internet marketing experience and knowledge, why not resell the articles?  This works best if you can create an online marketplace.  The more articles you have listed available for resale, the more money you can make.  Once again, decide if you want to make money upfront or overtime.  PLR article packages are nice because they are sold multiple times, but they have low selling prices.  On the other hand, you can sell your articles for a higher price when you offer exclusive rights.

How to Work From Home

Starting a small business from home is a dream for many people. Sleeping in late, setting your own schedule each day, and choosing what work you want to do and when you want to do it are just a few of the benefits of working out of your own home, but few people ever manage to accomplish this seemingly monolithic task.
Most people simply aren’t sure where they should begin. Though it does require a high level of personal discipline and excellent organizational skills on the part of the businesses owner, working from home is not only possible, but something you could start doing right away.
There are many advantages to establishing your new business within your own home. While other small businesses will struggle to pay rent and utilities on top of their normal living expenses, your home business will sail through these waters relatively unscathed.
Additionally, you will have the freedom to work at any time you choose, allowing you to take back control of your schedule and of course, you’ll never have to change out of your pajamas before getting to work for the day.
Sounds great, doesn’t it? So, how does one begin the process of becoming a home business owner¬?… Here are 6 steps you need to take in order to start your very own home based business:

1. Evaluate what talents you have
Your talents are those things that you truly excel at and are the very lifeblood of any thriving business, especially a home based, independently operated one.
Whatever you happen to be gifted at, whether it be effective communication, attention to detail, or even creativity, you’ll want to use these traits to generate success in your home business.

2. Determine what skills you possess
Skills are essentially extensions of your natural talents. While you might be born creative, you learn how to draw or paint. Your skills give shape and direction to your talents and help you determine how best you can use those talents for a profit.
Determine what skills your currently possess as they will become the backbone of your new home business

3. Combine your skills and talents to form concepts for your home business
While creativity isn’t a viable business concept all on its own, nor is drawing by itself an idea, graphic design (a combination of the ability to draw and the talent to imagine things no one else can) is.
While you can utilize this system to generate concepts for any kind of business, we’ll focus in on the home based type as that is our subject matter. So now you’ll want to ask yourself “what type of business could I run from home with my current skills and talents?”
Let’s say for example that you are a creative person with painting, drawing, and computer skills. Using just this information we can assume you’d have success with, a graphic design business, a web design business, providing art lessons to individuals or classes, or selling your skills as an artist with commissioned paintings or drawings.
These are just a few of the many options we can derive from our example. As you no doubt have more than a couple skills and talents, your list will likely be much larger. Don’t be afraid to leave all your ideas on the list at this point, even if they don’t seem like they’d work. Later you can go through and pick and choose between them to decide which concept is a really good idea for your new home business.
4. Test your ideas
Unfortunately, not all of these ideas are going to be a viable option for a home business. Those that involve heavy industry or perhaps a great deal of client traffic just aren’t going to work for you and will likely draw complaints from your neighbors if you try.
Peruse your ideas at this time and begin eliminating things that just aren’t good options for your business. You may also wish to eliminate any ideas that have you working outside of the house frequently if you’re still committed to working at your residence to take advantage of some of those great “work at home” benefits.
A great deal of those who decide to start a home business stop right here, forgetting to take a few more other important factors into account. I would warn you against this reckless action as it will likely result in your great business idea, performing poorly or failing altogether, wasting your efforts, time, and money in the process.

5. How will your business gain a profit?
Answering this question is one of the best tests for determining the viability of a business concept. Though you may have an incredible skill with talents to match, if there isn’t anyone willing to pay you for that service, it’s just not going to work well as a business.
For every home based business idea that you still have on your list, you should be able to answer these two questions:
1.    What amount people will pay you for that service?
2.    Can you actually make a living off of this service?
For example; if you were a creative person with woodworking skills, you may be able to create intricate garden arches to sell. You discover that most people will pay $150 for these arches, but because of their detail level, you can only make 3 each month. This adds up to $450 a month before considering that you had to pay something for your materials as well.
For most of us that’s not even enough to keep the lights on, never mind build a successful business. However this is the kind of thing that can happen when you don’t take potential profit into account.
If you haven’t already, review your list of home business ideas once more and remove anything that isn’t able to meet the two criteria above.
Remember though, that you are the final arbitrator when it comes to deciding what level of profit is satisfactory. If you’re merely looking to supplement your income, less profitable home business ideas may work for you, but if you’d like to make a living with your home business, you’ll want to carefully research the idea’s money making potential.

6. Establish a plan for your idea to evaluate its potential
Finally, you’ll want to create a business plan to be certain, before you commit, that your idea will bear fruit. Often, people assume that such a structured plan is only really necessary if you’re attempting to get a loan. However, the purpose of such a plan is actually to establish beforehand if the idea is even viable.
Assuming you’ve chosen a good home-based business idea, you’ll want to work through it to establish a working model and see if it will pan out as you hope. If not, simply set that idea aside and move on to the next one repeating the process as before. It’s fairly common to work through several different plans before deciding on the one that can become the vibrant venture you’re hoping for.

If you have followed the guide above, then you’ve discovered a concept for a viable business that you can run right out of your own home. Not only this, but you know that your idea has a good chance to succeed and become the successful, profitable home business you’ve always wanted.

10 Low Cost Business Ideas

Many people often believe that to start a business, one has to have a significant amount of money. That happens to be the old business model. Nowadays, it is possible to start an inexpensive venture that has the potential to ultimately bring you a tidy sum in profits.
There are even ways to start a business with no money. The following is a list of 10 businesses you can initiate that do not require you break your bank account, and with a little determination and perseverance will put you on the road to a successful entrepreneurial venture.

1. A Business Consultant
This job would be ideal for those who are already in business and feel the need to assist others who may be finding it difficult to figure a way out of their current business challenges. Read through the following advantages and disadvantages and utilize the resources to help you get started.
2. Cleaning up at Construction Sites
This is ideal for those who are not afraid to get dirty. It is physically challenging and will require you to handle quite a bit of refuse. If this does not put you off, then a construction clean-up job is something you should consider. A pick up truck and not being afraid of getting down and dirty is all it takes to get thus business going.
3. A Handyman Business
This is a great business venture and a needed help for those families struggling to cope but still in need of keeping their homes in good shape during these difficult financial times. This venture is ideal for those who have a do-it-yourself attitude towards life.
4. Image Consulting Business
For those of you who know fashion, are able to communicate well and interact well with people, then image consulting is the business venture tailor made for you. There are a few challenges and opportunities that come with image consulting.
5. Painting Business
For those who have the patience, skill and precision to paint, then becoming a painter would be your natural progression as a business opportunity. Working as a painter can earn you a good amount of money and has the potential to become something other than a side job.
6. Party Planning Business
For those who enjoy planning and preparing for parties even more than attending the party itself, then you should give party planning a serious thought. It has all the trimmings of becoming a successful enterprise.
7. Personal Concierge Business
If your current schedule is flexible, and enjoy serving others and are not intimidated by variety, starting a personal concierge business is right up your alley.
8. Project Management Business
Before considering a business in project management, you will need to be an organized person who is able to follow through and complete a stated mission or activity.
9. Translation Business
Are you fluent in more than one language? Or does your current job require you to use more than one language? Then try taking your work home for once, and earn a little more while you do it. Start a translating service and watch your skills work for you.
10. Virtual Call Center Business
Are you able to multi-task while on the phone? This opportunity is for those who are reliable and good communicators, especially on the telephone. Earn a little extra by doing what you enjoy doing: talking on the phone.

50 Ways To Profit From Private Label Rights Products

 50 Ways To Profit From Private Label Rights Products
1) Put up your resell product with resell rights – This will encourage more buyers because they can keep 100% of sales and profits when they resell your product.

2) Use PLR content to create autoresponders – This will help save time and effort in trying to think about what content to deliver to build a relationship with subscribers.

3) Use PLR content to create articles for your site – This will put your business on autopilot and at the same time keep your readers happy.

4) Content from Resell and PLR products can be used in market research or used as a brainstorming tool – This will help in creating inspiration for content writers so that they will not run out of ideas to generate content.

5) Package your resell product with speaking rights – This will boost more purchases because buyers can use the product to create highly paid seminars, webinars, teleseminars and etc.

6) Use PLR software to generate traffic – Rebrand your PLR software and submit it to free software directories to generate more traffic to your website. The more downloads you receive, the more visitors you will get for your business.

7) Use the information in the PLR or resell product as discussion points – This will help you when there is a need to face the media or when moderating discussions with clients, customers or readers.

8) Use PLR content to conduct seminars – PLR content can be organized into power point slides and other teaching materials used in workshops or seminars either online or offline, or both.

9) Use PLR content as a gift – Besides sharing PLR content by conducting seminars, you can also use PLR content as a free gift for those who attended your paid seminar/webinar.

10) Include backend rights with your resell product – This creates more value for your product and influences your visitors to buy because they can use your product as a backend product to sell to their own customers.

11) Convert PLR Ebooks into viral products – A rebranded report provides more value to people than an ordinary Ebook thus fetches a higher price. You can choose to sell it or use the rebranded report as your own viral product.

12) Publish the PLR content in another language(s) – As the internet grows and expands, more markets are opened around the world. People may be searching for products in their own native language hence translating a PLR product into other languages is a great way to profit.

13) Convert your digital content into physical products to sell – People are more inclined to buy physical products because they seem to bring so much more credibility than digital products. Some ideas include:
 Publishing books
 Creating video tutorials/series as DVD products
 Creating audio clips/series and downloading into MP3 devices
 Burn software to CD-R discs
 And more…

14) Offer bundling rights with your resell product. This will increase conversions of your product sales because they can package other products together with the main product and sell it as one irresistible offer.

15) Create an Ebook using multiple PLR products – PLR packages often come packed with a lot of information. These information can be used to create a brand new Ebook which can be put up for sale or given away free to build your list. You could even sell the PLR rights of your brand new product to others or use it to generate traffic to your site by submissions etc.

16) Use PLR content with industry expert interviews – Another way to profit from PLR products is that you can combine the PLR content with interviews with industry experts.

17) Use PLR content to kick start a membership website - Start a membership site with PLR content. This gives you ample time to think about and create original content. In the scenario where you run out of ideas, use PLR content to provide value to your database or as an inspiration to create a brand new product.

18) Forming partnerships and collaborations - Partner with other business-minded individuals and create unique packages and programs for sale using PLR products.

19) Use PLR content on websites for flipping – Build content-rich websites based on a particular niche using PLR content and sell them for a much higher price than you paid for the PLR content.

20) Enclose social media ad rights with your resell product – Create prewritten ads on your resell product for customers to use on their social networks. This adds more value to your product and helps your customer drive leads.

21) Add affiliate links to your resell or PLR content – A great way to earn some money with affiliate programs from Clickbank and Amazon is to insert affiliate links into resell products or PLR content which you intend to sell or give away for free.

22) Use the PLR content to create podcasts - Record weekly podcasts using PLR content and distribute them on the iTunes store.

23) Sell your resell product with rewriting rights – This could draw more visitors and customers to buy your product because they can rewrite the product anyway they want.

24) Give pre-resell rights with your resell product – Pre-resell rights enable buyers to sell the product before other resellers can. This will attract many people to buy your resell product.

25) Put together the content as a complete home study course – It takes a lot of time to create a brand new product. However, with PLR content, you can gather different products and compile them together as one complete home study course for selling.

26) Motivate buyers with sole rights to your resell product – When visitors see that they will have the exclusive and sole resell rights to promote your resell product, it will motivate them to take action to invest in your resell product.

27) Use PLR content to add value to your membership site – This helps you to save time and effort in generating new content for your members in your membership site.

28) Mention that your resell product has limited selling rights – This will urge prospects to take action as soon as possible and order your resell product because they can only sell limited copies like the rest of their competition.

29) Re-write the PLR content and submit it to newspapers or magazines – When you article is published on newspapers and magazines, it adds on credibility to you and increase exposure of your website or product to the general masses.

30) Add hosted reseller rights with your resell product – This will enable your buyers’ to have their reseller site hosted on your server so there are no extra costs for website space. This should encourage people to purchase your reseller product.

31) Re-write a PLR article and submit it on another blog as a guest post – This helps to poise you as an authority for the topic you are writing about and also helps drive the existing traffic of the other blog to your website/product hence help you/your product/company gain more exposure.

32) Include upsell rights with your resell product – This enables your buyers to use your resell product as an upsell product hence may persuade leads to buy it.

33) Attach break up rights with your resell product – This allows buyers to divide up the product into many different products to sell separately. Hence, this may persuade prospective leads to get your resell product.

34) Offer affiliate bonus program rights with your resell product – This permits buyers’ affiliates to use the product as an affiliate bonus.

35) Use PLR content as a promotional tool for your affiliates – By helping your affiliates, you are also helping yourself. PLR content such as Ebooks or guides with affiliate links inserted can be used as promotional tools for affiliates to send out to their database.

36) Use PLR content to create Adsense sites – Adsense sites need to be content-rich in order to generate the traffic that will click on the Google ads. PLR content can be used to create such sites.

37) Create viral quizzes with the PLR content to test your audience’s knowledge – This helps create buzz and activity on your website which will in turn generate more traffic to your site as well.

38) Make available employee rights with your resell product – This will mean that your buyers’ employees are able to use the products or rights as well. Hence employers will grab this chance to buy your product.

39) Use the PLR content to promote an eBay store – With PLR content, there is no need for you to start brainstorming content from scratch. You can just re-write the PLR content for your own use to promote an eBay store.

40) Grant renaming rights with your resell product – This permits buyers to re-title the product to their desired title.

41) Use PLR content in your newsletter to your clients – Keeping in touch with your clients is important in building a good relationship with them. Hence you can use PLR content for easier communication with your clients through newsletters. With PLR content, there is no headache or head-scratching moments of trying to generate new content.

42) Include brandable rights with your resell product – This allows buyers to sell or giveaway your resell product with their advertisement in it. Hence this strategy may lure leads to invest in your resell product.
43) Use PLR content as a topic of conversation for coaching calls – With PLR content, you can easily prepare a session of coaching call with your clients.

44) Extend report rights with your resell product – By this you allow buyers to turn the product into an informational report.

45) Use PLR content in social media - Build a Facebook page that uses the material. In this way, you will be able to interact with your customers with discussions on the content, generating frequent activity and buzz.

46) Have follow up e-mails and its rights packaged with your resell product – This helps your buyers promote the product because they have instant follow up emails.

47) Use as bonuses – PLR materials can be used as unannounced bonuses for buying your products, giving your customers a pleasant surprise when they open your package. This helps to build rapport and your ‘likeability’.

48) Use as giveaways - PLR content can be used as a free giveaway for your long-time customers. This builds customer loyalty and ups your ‘likeability’ factor in the industry as well.

49) No-paying royalty rights with your resell product – This will motivate people to invest in your resell product because buyers won’t have to pay royalty fees for your product.

50) Spin an article into a “10 Best” list – You can use the PLR content to generate a viral report of “10 Best” list. This helps generate and drive more traffic to your site to view your products.

8 Ways to Earn Extra Money Without Paying Anything

How to make extra money from home?… If you are one of hundreds of thousands of Americans who are out of job, facing perhaps the toughest financial crisis in your life time, the idea of making extra money from home have for sure crossed your mind a few times. Even if you are on of the few lucky ones, and have a full time job, with rising costs of living, you too probably thought about part time jobs that you could use to earn extra cash on the side in your spare time.
Sadly, you are not alone! Hundreds and thousands of people are struggling to keep up financially. And so, it is no wonder why more and more people are trying to learn ways to make extra money online from home.
Thankfully, the world wide web comes to the rescue once again! These days, almost all businesses, small and big, are using the Internet in some shape or form, to better their business. And that, requires hiring people on a part time or full time basis to help them get things done. Therefore, there are lots of fantastic earning opportunities for people looking for ways to earn extra income.
At the same time, although there are many legitimate ways to make extra money for kids and adults, there are also many online money making scams out there as well. So, you have to be vigilant when searching for such opportunities.
In any case, I have gathered a few good work from home online opportunities that will allow almost anyone from college students and stay at home moms & dads to retirees, laid off workers and even kids and teenagers to earn extra cash in their spare time.

1- Take Paid Surveys
Taking paid surveys for cash is among the first options many folks who are trying to learn how to make extra money online without paying anything come across. The great thing about online surveys is the fact that you don’t need any skills or experience to get started. It doesn’t cost you a dime (unless you fall for paid surveys scams and lose your money to them!) and you can make a decent amount of money rather easily.
The most important thing about making extra money with paid surveys is making sure you find and register with real and legitimate sites such as MySurvey. After registration you will be sent survey invitations matched to you based on your profile.
Filling out surveys usually take about 15 to 45 minutes and based on the length and the importance of the topic, you can expect to pocket anywhere from $2 to up to $75 for each survey you qualify for and complete.
2- Become A Fiverr Seller is a fairly new and unknown micro freelancing site where you can offer any kind of service for $5. And when I say any kind of service, I really mean anything. I have seen people make money on Fiverr writing songs, drawing cartoons, taking pictures, writing on their forehead what the buyer wants and walk around the town, putting sticker on their car, wearing a t-shirt with the buyers logo on it and so on. Simply put, you can make $5 over and over again for doing almost anything.
Registration is free, and you can immediately set up your profile, and offer as many “gigs” as you like. You will be surprised what people are willing to pay for! Making money with Fiverr truly does qualify as one of the best creative ways of making extra money from home!
3- Get Paid To Programs
GPT sites are basically online loyalty programs where you can get paid to do a variety of different things, from filling out surveys, signing up for free websites and subscribing to free newsletters to reading emails, clicking on ads, shopping online and more.
Basically you can get paid to do almost anything that you already do on the Internet. Depending on the types of offer you complete you can expect to earn anywhere from $0.25 to $30 for each offer you complete.
Just like other online money making methods, there are a lot of scams associated with Get Paid To industry. So, make sure to do your research and find and register with legitimate GPT sites.
4- Write For Blogs
There are a lot of people who run their own blogs and many of them are very successful. But, running a successful blog takes a lot of time and energy, which in many cases leaves little to no time for creating content, which is the most important element of any successful blog. That’s why many bloggers pay others to research and write posts for their blogs.
The good thing is, because of the popularity of blogs, it’s not that hard to find blogs on almost any topic you can think of. And surly, you are an expert or at least have more knowledge about one of those topics than the rest of us do.
You can simply contact those blog owners and ask them if they would be interested in paying you to write articles for them about the topic of their blog. In most cases, you don’t even have to ask. Many bloggers have a special page where the ask other writers to write for them in exchange for money. Simply search for blogs on topics you feel comfortable writing about and contact their owners and offer them your skills.
5- Freelancing
Looking for creative ways to make extra money?… Freelancing is one of the most popular money making methods. If you are a programmer, designer, writer, translator or have any skills that can be useful to online businesses, you can easily work as a freelancer and earn extra money in your spare time.
Although, there are so many freelancers who make their living working as a freelancer, its not required of you to work full time. You work when you want to and only on projects you choose to. Obviously, if you are just starting, you won’t have a client base yet, so you will have to use freelancing sites to find projects to work on.
Some of the best freelancing sites are sites like and Use these sites to find projects to work on. At the same time, make sure to build and showcase your portfolio, so one day, you can have clients come to you for their freelancing related projects. Plus, you will make way more money working directly with clients than through freelancing sites.
6- Sell On eBay
Yes, you can still make money on eBay! You might be tired of hearing about eBay, but if you have ever asked yourself “how can I make extra money online?”, you need to take another look at eBay! The truth is, when it comes to making extra cash working from the comfort of your own home, eBay is still the king!
7- Become A Mystery Shopper
Just like paid surveys, mystery shopping is a kind of research designed to evaluate the performance of different companies in different industries such as restaurant, hotels, retail stores and more.
You will be paid to perform a shop at a particular store and report back your experience. Most of these reporting are done through answering a questioner, or on the phone talking to an agent. You pay for the shop, but you will be reimbursed for it after finishing your assignment. In some cases, you will get to keep the goods for free (if applicable).
Mystery shopping industry is also full of scams. A simple way to know if a mystery shopping company is real or scam is to find out if you have to pay for registration. All legitimate mystery shopping companies are 100% free to join.
8- Get Paid To Post On Forums
Forums have become a big part of the Internet as more and more link minded people find it beneficial to have a place where they can talk about their favorite subject.
Forums are also profitable businesses, and that’s why more and more forums are born everyday. But, not all forums are popular from day one. In many cases, forum owners pay people to participate on their forum. It helps the forum look busy and active, which is a good way of pulling in more real members. That creates an opportunity for you to earn a few dollars. Do a simple search on Google and you will find many forums where you can get paid to post.
There are many cheap ways to sell on eBay.You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars in investment, have any knowledge or experience or any special skills to sell on eBay. Of course, there are people who invest thousand of dollars into buying products in bulks and selling them individually on eBay, but it’s not necessary if you are trying to make just a little extra money in your free time to help with the bills.
You can start by finding things that you already own but don’t have any use for any more, put them up for sale on eBay. If you have a hundred dollar or so to invest, you can buy things from flea markets and thrift stores, often for very cheap and resale them on eBay for a profit.
You can place a free ad and offer your service to people for a fee. One of the best ways to make extra money using Craigslist is to look for items to buy for cheap in “for sale” category or to look for items to pick up for free in the “free” section of the “for sale” category.
Either way, many times you can find items for very low prices, or free in some cases, that can be resold right back on CL for a profit. You will be surprised to know that many people are actually making a living with this method.

These are only few of the legitimate and relatively easy ways of making extra cash on the web. Of course, you can always scale things up and take it to the next level. But remember, don’t set yourself up for failure by getting your hopes too high and thinking it will be easy and quick.
Whether you are trying to earn a full time income working online, or are simply trying to make extra money at home in your spare time with part time online jobs, it takes willingness and hard work to succeed in making money from home.

12 Ways To Get Free Money

12 Ways To Get Free Money
1- Free Money From the Government 
Uncle Sam takes money away from every one of us, it would only be fair if he gave some of it back to us. Well turns out uncle Sam is a fair uncle!
There are many government sponsored programs where you can get free government money to help you with your living expenses, health care for you and your kids, recover from a natural disaster and other related problems. To find out more, visit
2- Free Money for Shopping
These days no matter what store or business you look for, you can find coupons and discount codes for them all over the place, from the internet to newspapers and in store coupons. A lot of us over look coupons and discount codes, which I don’t understand why. I mean, it’s basically free money, why not take it!
Register with free coupon sites like CoolSavings, FamousCoupons and ClipNPrintCoupons to get notified of new coupons and discount codes for thousands of brands and print them to use in store and online.
3- Free Money From Your Credit Card
These days. many credit cards offer some kind of rewards program. And while at the first glance those rewards may not sound like much, considering the fact that credit cards are used almost daily, its not that hard to imagine how substantial those rewards will be when added up.
So, instead of using a credit card that doesn’t offer any cash back, use one that does. You are going to use your card any way, you may as well get something out of it, free money! You can use sites like CardRatings and BankRate to find credit cards that offer the best possible rewards.
4- Free Money From Yourself
Lots of people don’t know this, but there are millions of dollars that go unclaimed very year. Unclaimed funds are basically money that belongs to you, but you forgot about it. An example would be your utility deposits that you forgot to get back.
So, how do find out if you have unclaimed money?… There is a website that the government has put up where you can go and search for any unclaimed money that may belong to you,
5- Free Money to Help with Foreclosure
These days lots of people are facing foreclosure. Hopefully you are not one of them, but if you are there is a program that can help you stay in your home. It’s called Home Ownership Preservation Foundation or HOPE. You can call them at 888-995-HOPE and they will set up a plane to help you keep your home. Or you can visit their site
6- Free Money From Old Pension Plans
If you have worked for a company that went bankrupt, was sold to another business or simply went out of business, you may have some forgotten money in your old pension plan.
Fortunately, PBGC (Pension Benefits Guaranty Corporation) is there to get you your money back. You can search their database to find out if you have any forgotten pension money. Visit to start your search.
7- Free Money for Health Insurance for Your Kids
Health insurance for their kids is one of the biggest concerns of every parent. Unfortunately many are simply not able to pay for often very expensive health insurance plans.
Fortunately, your state has a health insurance program for kids where they cover part or all of your kids health related expenses such as prescription medicines, doctor visits and hospital stays. To qualify, you must be in a working family though. Visit to find out more.
8- Free Money for College
College is the most expensive part of any students life. and these days, it seems like they are getting even more expensive. Good news is that there is a government program called Federal Pell Grant. They will give you up to $7,000 free money for each college year. The best part is that you don’t have to pay a dime of that money back!
You can visit PellGrants to learn more and see if you qualify.
9- Free Money for Energy Bills
It’s no secret that good insulation, storm windows and even weather-stripping can dramatically lower your energy bills. So, making sure your home is energy efficient is important, not only for your wallet, but also for the nation as a whole. Less energy usage means lower energy costs and less strain  on natural resources.
So, the U.S. Department of Energy has come up with a program called Weatherization Assistance Program to reward home owners who make an effort to make their homes more energy efficient. They pay you up to $2500 for installing energy efficient products. So, not only you lower your energy bills, you also get $2500 free money. Visit WAP’s official website for more information.
10- Free Money for Tax Perperation
VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) is a an IRA backed program that helps low income families to prepare their tax returns. VITA site, call 1-800-829-1040.
Ok, they don’t actually hand you free money, but they prepare your taxes for free which usually costs around $100 or so to have it prepared by a tax professional. To find more information about your local VITA sites check out Vita Volunteers.
11- Free Money for Credit Repair
Hundreds of thousands of people are struggling with their credits and nee credit repair. Credit repair professionals can cost you a fortune and if you are already suffering from bad financial situation, spending a lot of money should be the last thing on your mind.
Luckily, the Federal Trade Commission is there to help you. Just visit where you can learn about all your rights and other important information, and also to schedule a free counseling at your local County Cooperative Extension Service.
12- Free Money to Start a Business
Another one of those items that doesn’t necessarily give you free money, but the service provided can save you thousands of dollars in fees. The U.S. government has a especial program for small businesses known as Small Business Development Centers. They have over 1,000 offices around the country where they have professionals who can give you free advice and information on everything related to starting a business from taxes, funding, marketing, filling out forms, contracting, technical issues and any other aspects of starting a business.
You can find local offices and more information about the program by visiting

There you have it, now you know how to get free money even in an economy like ours. Of course, nothing beats the pleasure of working and making money from your efforts. But, life is not always fair. It has its ups and downs and sometimes you just need extra helping hand to help you get through.
Whether you need the free money for college, to start a business, to keep your house from being foreclosed on, to help pay the bills or whatever else life throws at you, free money is always good. And what better way than using one of the above mentioned legal and appropriate ways to search find and get free money.

29 Ways to Make Money in College Without a Job

Learning how to make money in college without getting a job is what so many college students would love. Let’s be honest, even in a normal economy, it’s hard to find jobs and make money while in college, but now with this economy, it’s even harder, and in some cases almost impossible. However, there are many ways a college student can earn money if he or she is willing to think outside the box!.
Many of these money making ideas for college students may not be the best ways to make a living, nonetheless, they allow students to make relatively easy money in college. If you are a college student looking for ways to make money in college without working or getting a job, here are some ways you can earn money in college:
1- Unclaimed Money
Search your state’s online database using to see if you have any unclaimed money. Perhaps a rich uncle of yours who you never knew existed has left you a fortune!
2- Research Volunteer
Many colleges conduct researches and studies. They usually pay people as a subject for the study. You can volunteer for these programs and earn some extra cash that way.
3- Jobs In College
Every college campus has chores that needs to be done somehow. And most colleges would be ore than happy to pay students to these tasks. On-campus jobs include like library assistant, security escort, parking attendant and etc.
4- Modeling For Campus Art Department
Often times, college campus art departments need models. Of course the first and most important place they look for models is the college itself. If you have what it takes, you can get paid a decent amount of money for modeling for your campus art department.
5- Paid Surveys
Make some extra cash by participating in market research studies where you answer simple questions about a variety of products and services you use in your daily life. Paid surveys sites
6- Paid Internship
Many colleges offer what are called paid internship or a work-study program. There are some requirements for qualifying, but if you do, not only you can earn some money, you also earn college credit as well.
7- Fiverr
On Fiverr.come you can get paid $5 for providing all kinds of services. You can offer the wildest gigs you can imagine from painting a name or a brand on your face, wearing a t-shirt with a especial message on it in your campus ground to helping with home-works and everything in between.
8- Do Odd Jobs
If you are not afraid of getting down and dirty, then you can do odd jobs for your friends and family. Things like cutting grass, baby siting, pet sitting, gardening and so on.
9- Sell Textbooks
We all know campus bookstores are not the best place to buy and sell text books and most students do not want to spend more than they should on text books. You can sell your old text books online on eBay or on sites like or Make money selling used books
10- Video Sharing Websites
There are many video sites like Break and MetaCafe that share their revenue with their members. You can upload your videos and the site will share a percentage of the revenue earned from showing ads along with your videos, with you.
11- Scholarships
You may have to look hard, but scholarships are a great way to get money for anything related to school.
12- Sell Tickets To Sporting Events
College sports are hot and have many die hard fans and tickets fro sporting events go for high prices. However, all students of the school whos team is playing, receive free tickets. You can sell your tickets on Craigslist or eBay. Depending on the team and the game, you may be able to get anywhere from $50 to up to $1000 or more per ticket.
13- Sell Graduation Tickets
Graduation ceremony tickets are highly sought after. You can sell your admission ticket for a nice chunk of change.
14- Recycle
An easy way to help save the planet while earning a few extra dollars. These days you can get paid for recycling almost anything from paper to cans and soda bottles.
15- eBay
Of course we cant ignore eBay. As the biggest online auction site, eBay is a great place to sell just about anything you have. Look around your room. Surly you will find things that you dont need or use any longer. Why not make some cash by selling them on eBay.  16- Tutor
If you get good grades and are good, you can use your smart to tutor other students and make some extra money by helping other students tutoring.
This is a paid research sites dedicated to students related issues, where students can ask and answer questions. Questions are always posted with a bounty and whoever answers, can win the bounty.
18- Get Paid To Answer
As a student you are probably knowledgeable about many different topics. Use your knowledge and expertise to make money by answering questions on sites like Chacha.
19- Sell Stock Photography
There are a few stock photography sites that pay you for pictures. Take your camera and start snapping pictures of anything. Then upload them to sites like ShutterStock and DreamsTime. Every time someone downloads one of your pictures, you get paid. Stock photography
20- Donate Plasma
Not Afraid of needles and a little blood? Then you can get paid to donate plasma. You can get around $50 for donating plasma in your local plasma center (you can find them by using
21- Fixer-Upper
Good at fixing things? Then why not earn a little extra spending money by helping people around your neighborhood and fixing their leaky faucets, crashed computers, drafty windows and whatever else life throws at them.
22- Sell T-Shirts
Have lots of wild and crazy ideas about t-shirts and hats? Well, you dont need to own a factory to design them. Sites like Zazzle and CafePress allow anyone to design t-shirts, hats and all kinds of personal items and sell them.
23- Sell Your Notes
Most students take notes in class, most, not all! If you belong to the “most”, you can organize your notes in an easy to understand and navigate manor and offer them to students who don’t take notes, in exchange for cash.
24- Get Paid To Write
One of the easiest and most popular ways to make money for anyone including college students, is by writing online. Sites like Helium and AssociatedContnet pay you for each article you write. 25- Make Calendars For College Organizations
There are many different organizations in college and many students belong to at least one or two of these organizations. You can make some money by creating yearly calenders for these organizations.
26- Hold A Car Wash
This is one of the most popular money making activities for college kids, not just because it’s fun, but because it’s profitable as well. Gather your friends and hold a car wash. Obviously, girls will work out much better for these kinds of events.
27- Deliver Newspapers
An old method that still holds true today. You can make up to $500 a week delivering newspapers. It’s not really a hard job beside the fact that you have to get up very early in the morning!
28- Do Seasonal Work
you can make decent money by shoveling snow in winter or raking leaves in fall.
29- - College Party
Parties of a big part of most college students and they are held often. You can make money with college parties. If you have a talent for organizing events, offer your services to your fellow students as party planner for a fee.
Some of these methods can be considered jobs for college students, but most of these methods are not real jobs. Non the less, just like real jobs, these methods require work and dedication as well.
Most of these college money making ideas may not help you pay your college debt, but they are great money making opportunities for those students who want to learn how to make money in college without getting an actual working job.

100 Ways to Make Money on the Internet

I love list posts, especially ones that can be bookmarked and revisited as a resource.  I’ve always wanted to create something like that, which is what led me to this article.  I’ve been working on this article for a couple months now, adding to it little by little.  I’m proud to be able to finally share it with you today.

The contents of this article are not in any way revolutionary.  Given enough time (this actually took much longer than I expected), you could easily compile a similar list. The concept of making money online is so broad, however, that I wanted a resource that captures most aspects of it.  Take from it whatever you’d like, or simply bookmark it for future reference.
100 Ways to Make Money on the Internet

1- Paid Surveys: Get paid to take online surveys, sharing your opinion about the products and services you use in your everyday life.
2- Get Paid to: Register with a few free GPT sites and make some extra cash by doing what you already do online, shopping, visiting websites, playing games and so on.
3- Blogging: Write a blog about a subject that interests you. When you start to get some traffic, monetize it with Adsense or many other monetization methods.
4- Sell on eBay: There are many ways you can make money on eBay and with some of them you do not even need to invest any capital.
5- Craigslist: One of the most visited websites in the world happens to be a free classified ad site where you can easily make money by buying things for cheap (and sometimes even for free) and selling them right back on it for higher prices.
6- Freelance writing: You can actually make good money working online as a freelance writer. There are many websites that are more than happy to pay you for your work.
7- Affiliate Marketing: Make money by signing up free with affiliate marketing networks such as Commission Junction and MaxBounty and promote their offers.
8- Start a Membership Site: Start a membership site around a topic you are an expert on and charge people for your premium content and services.
9- Email List Marketing: Buy or rent lists from webmaster and promote a product or services to the subscribers.
10- Create an AdSense Site: Pick a small niche with not much competition and create a website around it covering every aspects of it. Then monetize the site using Google Adsense.
11- Buy and Sell Domains: Use domain auction sites like GoDaddy to find and buy good domain names for cheap. After a while sell them back for higher prices.
12- Publish a book: These days thanks to sites like amazon, you can easily self publish a book.
13- Start a Podcast: Create a podcast on an interesting topic and sell it on iTunes.
14- Create a plugin: if you are good at it, why not create plugins and tools for webmasters and bloggers.
15- Craft work: Most people do craft work as a hobby. You can take it one step further and sell your crafts on sites like
16- Stock Photography: Good at taking pictures? Use stock photography sites like to make money selling your images.
17- A fairly new micro freelancing site that has caught on like wild fire. You can sell any kind of service you can imagine for $5.
18- Watch TV: Install the Viggle app and get paid for watching your favorite TV programs!
19- Tutoring: Use what you know to make some money. Teach people a new language, history, math or whatever else you are good at.
20- Build Small Niche Websites: Find long tail low competition keywords and create niche websites around them. Get the sites to a good point and sell them on Flippa.
21- Install Software: There are lots of people who need help when it comes to installing softwares. You can offer to help for a fee.
22- Use your talent: You can make and sell Twitter and MySpace backgrounds and eBook covers with ease thanks to so many great free softwares that are out there.
23- Use Amazon’s Mechanical Turk: You can get paid to do small tasks that machines cannot do. The pay for each hit is not much, but then each hit takes only a few seconds or so.
24- Become a Life Coach: Know how to direct people and get them on track with their life? Why not sell your services as a life coach.
25- Becomes a Virtual Assistant: Many webmasters and bloggers and online business will gladly pay you to help them online.
26- Be a Reviewer: There are many sites that will pay you to review products and even other websites.
27- Create a Twitter Network: When you get to a certain point, offer sponsored tweets to businesses.
28- Make money as a Mystery Shopper: Yes, you can actually make money by shopping. Find a legitimate mystery shopping company that offer work where you live and get paid to shop.
29- Make Money on Craigslist: The biggest classified site is the best place to offer a service or sell things you dont need.
30- Design Logos: Good at designing? Start making money by designing logos for online businesses.
31- Design T shirts: Use sites like CafePress to design T shirts and other personal items and sell them using their free online store fronts.
32- Use Reward Programs: Earn cash back using reward programs like MyPoints on all your online shopping.
33- Social Networking Service: If you love social networking and are good at it, then sell your expertise to small businesses who are trying to take advantage of social media and what it offers.
34- Photo Editing: Learn how to use Photoshop and start a photo editing business and sell your service to photographers, brides and anyone else who needs it.
35- Forum Moderator: There are many hundreds of online forums and all of them need moderator and are willing to pay you for doing so.
36- Participate in Focus Groups: Find focus groups in your local area or online focus groups and get paid to participate in them.
37- Data Entry: Good old data entry is still alive and well and you can make good money if you can avoid scams.
38- Create Software: Develop with softwares that can help people accomplish things easier and faster and sell them.
39- Get paid to Translate: If you do speak more than one language, you can actually make good money as a translator depending on the popularity of the languages you know.
40- Become a Paid Tester: There are many online companies that pay you to test things like new video games, softwares and even other websites.
41- Blog Commenting: Blog commenting is a form of promotion for bloggers and online business, so many of them are willing to pay others to do the job for them since its time consuming.
42- Writer and Sell PLR Articles: Write quality articles and sell them in packages as Private Label Right articles.
43- Jury Duty: Yes you can get paid to do jury duty.
44- Become an Online Editor: Everyday hundreds and thousands of new websites and blogs are born. Not everybody is a good writer. You can charge them a fee and proofread their work.
45- Create Apps: Apps are becoming increasingly popular. Create some and test the waters.
46- Sell Research: Have a lot of time on your hand? Why not use it to do online research for people who need it!
47- Do Voice Overs: Got a great voice? Offer your voice over service to people online.
48- Blog: Start a blog about a topic you are passionate about and when you start to get some traffic, monetize it.
49- Get Paid to Surf: There are many paid to surf programs online that will pay you to surf the web. Not much money but its money!
50- Facebook: There are Facebook apps that will allow you to easily make money on Facebook.
51- Online Used Book Store: Build a small site and sell used books you have laying around the house. Buy more form second hand stores or get them for free on Craigslist and sell them for higher prices on your site.
52- Write For eHow: Make money by writing how to articles for eHow.
53- Get Paid for Photos: Good at photography? Then take as many pictures as you can and sell them on stock photography sites like
54- Answer Questions: You can make money by answering people’s questions on sites like
55- Play Games: Yes, you can make money by simply playing games using sites like
56- Get Paid to Read Emails: Sites like InboxDollars pay you to read email ads.
57- Earn Cash with Social Networking: Yes, you can now get paid to socialize online thanks to sites like
58- Get paid to Tweet: Tweets are becoming an increasingly popular way of promoting products. So, websites like pay you to become a paid tweeter.
59- Upload Files: Have lots of files dusting on your computer? Why not upload them to sites like and get paid every time someone downloads them.
60- Get Paid to Search: You can make a little extra cash by searching on search engines like
61- Get Paid to Post in Forums: New forums take a long time to take off, so forum owners pay people to become active members of their forum and help the forum attract more real members.
62- Summarize: Watch as many movies and read as many books as you can and then get paid to summarize them for websites like
63- Become a Paid Traveler: Love to travel? Now you can actually get paid for doing so thanks to sites like Lonely Planet.
64- Sell Recipes: Know how to cook a lot of different kinds of food? Create recipes and sell them to food related blogs.
65- Record Songs: If you really have some talent in this area, record songs and sell them on sites like
66- Sell Artwork Online: If you are talented and are good at drawing, painting, sketching, then tries to sell your art work online.
67- Make Videos: Create videos on any topic you like and upload them to ad revenue sharing sites like
68- Site Audit: Offer an auditing service to webmasters and bloggers where you perform content and SEO audit of their sites.
69- Design Infographics: Design Infographics that go viral and sell them to small online businesses and bloggers.
70- Customer Support: Lots of companies pay people these days to work from their own home doing customer servcie work.
71- Online Order Processing: Many businesses pay people to process orders from home.
72- Get Paid for Forum Participation: Many online forums have a revenue sharing program where they share a percentage of their earnings with their members.
73- Domain Drop Shipping: Use sites like to start your very own private label domain registration business.
74- Make and Sell eBooks: eBooks are becoming ever more popular. Make eBooks about different subjects and sell them online.
75- Telemarketing: As long as you have a phone and an Internet connection, you are in business!
76- Affiliate Marketing: Sell other people’s products and make money as their affiliate.
77- CPA: Same thing as affiliate marketing but you can actually make money without having people to spend any money. Many companies will pay you to simply send people to their websites were they can subscribe to free newsletters or signup for free services.
78- Keyword Research: Learn how to use Google Analytics and a few other keyword research tools and offer a keyword research services to webmasters and small online businesses.
79- Online Newsletter: Many online business have online newsletters, but they need someone to keep it going for them. You can get paid to do that for them.
80- Personal Online Shopper: Yes, there are many professionals who don’t have time to even shop online, so they will pay you to do their online shopping.
81- Enter Sweepstakes: Start participating in online Sweepstakes. You will be surprised how much money and free stuff can come your way.
82- Better Existing Softwares: Many softwares need improvement. Create a plugin for an existing software or improve its functionality and sell them to people.
83- Your Own Search Engine: Thanks to Google API you can now build your very own custom search engines within minutes. Build one for an specific topic and monetize it with ads.
84- Sell Other People’s Stuff on eBay: There are still many people who do not know how to sell their own stuff on eBay. You can do that for them for a fee.
85- Drop Shipping on eBay: Use a private label drop shipping company to create a virtual store on eBay and sell their products without ever having to touch or even see the products you are selling.
86- Directory Submission: Bloggers and webmaster submit their sites to web directories to get more traffic and increase search engines ranking, but its time consuming. Thats where you can come in and offer to do directory submission for a fee.
87- Install Applications: There are thousands of people who don’t know how to install applications and software. Charge them a fee and do it for them.
89- Create and Sell Digital Scrap Booking Templates: People love to scrapbook and these days, many people are doing it on the computer. Create great templates for different occasions and sell them online.
90- Answer Tech Questions: If you are an expert, you can get paid to answer tech related questions on sites like ExpertBee.
91- Link Building: Webmasters and bloggers need to build links to increase their search engine ranking and traffic. You can offer to be their link builder for a monthly or per project fee.
92- Convert Online Money: Charge people a percentage to convert their EGold money into PayPal and vice versa.
93- Host Live Internet Radio Shows: Use BlogTalkRadio to host your own Internet radio show and make money with ads.
94- Sell Magazine Subscription: Become an affiliate of Acclaim Subscriptions and earn a commission on every single magazine subscription you sell.
95- Give Tips: Have lots of tips and advice? Get paid for them by using sites like
96- Make Money with Old CDs and Games: Earn money by selling your old CDs, Games and DVDs using a site called
97- Trade Forex: This one is little risky and should be taken very seriously. That said, you can make a lot of money fast if you know what you are doing.
98- Revenue Sharing: Write for sites like HubPages and earn money with their revenue sharing program.
99- Become a Guest Writer: Offer to guest write on other people’s blogs.
100- Become an Online Tutor: Are you passionate about helping other people succeed with their education? Combine your passion with economy and make money by becoming an online tutor on sites like Tutor Vista.

As you can see, some of these money making ideas are easier than others, and some take longer to give results, some are for making fast money and others can be used as a long term business plan. But, they all have one thing in common, and that is the fact that they all require some level of work and dedication.
What’s your favorite method out of this 101 ways of making money?…

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